Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mac The Knife

For the past couple of weeks we have had a webcam running at home so that we can keep en eye on the dogs while we are away. We decided to start leaving Mac out of his cage because it was really annoying to have to clean out the cage and clean him up in cases where he had accidents in the cage. This experiment has been pretty entertaining and, umm, instructional, I guess. We are seeing things that we probably would be better off not seeing, such as Mac playing tug of war with the curtains and the couch, as well as Bailey, Miss I-never-do-anything-wrong wreaking some havoc of her own during the day.

There hasn't been any major major destruction. The biggest thing so far is the splintering of one of Sheila's Longaberger or however-its-spelled baskets. And, for that one, we caught Bailey in the act of hauling that around the room in her mouth before she sat down to shred it up.

Another thing that is fun to watch on the cam is Mac and Bailey playing and Mac assaulting his toys. He has a few stuffed squeaky toys that he pounces on and gives death shakes. Well, today, he finally succeeded in murdering Sylvester the Cat. Here is the screen capture of the murder scene. Mac hasn't even bothered to leave the scene of the crime.

And yes, that is one of Grandma O's afghans that he is laying on.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mac Visits SD

Mac made the trip home with us overnight. He was a great car traveler - he never once forced his way into the front seat like Bailey does. No barking or whining, and no accidents in the car. His first day in Grandma and Grandpa's house has been fine. He loves the doggy door and him and Bailey have had a lot of fun racing in circles outside.

He has yet to see the World's Largest Pheasant, and we didn't take him to the Corn Palace either. Otherwise, being at Grandma and Grandpa's house on Ravine Lake is the 3rd coolest thing to do in Eastern South Dakota!