Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chicago In Da (white) House

Well, the election is over and it looks like Chicago politics is going to Washington. I was disappointed that McCain didn't win, but I liked his concession speech. I want to give Obama the benefit of the doubt. Since we really don't know much about him, we just have to wait and see. However, I am not very encouraged by his Chief of Staff pick. Rahm Emanuel is a hyper partisan Chicago politician. Not a good way to start off the reaching out to the other side.

I find it interesting how smoothly the election went and I wonder as I wander whether that is mainly because the media's guy won. If McCain had pulled it off, I think we'd still be hearing about how much voter fraud and intimidation and how he stole the election. But Obama wins? Not a peep. All on the up and up.

I think this election was nearly impossible for any republican to win. I think McCain had the best shot, but once the economy tanked in the September Surprise, it was pretty much over. I also think that if the Democrats had put up any other candidate, we'd be celebrating President McCain right now. It was the perfect mix of circumstances, and even then, it was still a 52-48 type of vote.

Oh well, this country finally has its first african american president and I think that can be a good thing in some ways. I will try my best to give him the benefit of the doubt because I'm sick of people hating people just becuase of their party affiliation. George Bush has gotten and continues to get the worst treatment of any President in history. Ever since shortly after 9/11, he hasn't gotten any support at all from the left. Their contempt for him is mostly clouded by their simple hatred of him. That needs to stop. I don't hate Barack Obama, and I don't think I agree with what he stands for. But even now after 2 years of campaigning, I'm not 100% sure what exactly it is that he stands for. Now that he is President, I'll give him support with a wary eye. Like I said, I'm not too encouraged so far with his chief of staff pick.

I just hope that all of those that voted for Change won't regret what they are going to get. I still can't quite understand how you can look at a place like Chicago, and think, "Hey, that place is being run so great. The schools are great, infrastructure is great, politics are clean and ethical, and they are doing a great job keeping the peace and enforcing the laws. Let's take some of that Chicago magic and put it in the White House." But, that is what has happened. Cook County (Chicago is the county seat) is in shambles with respect to all of those things. And, I think Chicago took back the honor of the highest murder rate in the country again. Take that New York!!

I also find it interesting how people think that Obama was actually telling the truth about the tax cuts and the $250k cutoff. Soak the rich. Well, those rich are the ones who employ the poor. Nevermind that $250k doesn't go as far as it used to, especially if you live in Chicago (highest taxes in the country) and have a family. Another good one is how we need to make companies pay more taxes. Do people not realize that "companies" don't pay taxes? People do. If you raise taxes on a company, they will simply raise prices, cut staff, or any number of things to make that up. All of those things have some affect on PEOPLE, not the company.

Anyways, this has gotten long enough. At least we should now have a much better shot at getting the 2016 Olympics! Change is Coming!


Anonymous said...

well said- I think you should write a column for the chicago Tribune - but then maybe not == if you value your life :)

Anonymous said...

Aaron that was my thinking also. You need to get published somewhere do a weekly column. Penny

Anonymous said...

Just what was so GREAT and went so GOOD the last 8 years???? If Obama only does 1/4 of what he said he will do, isn't that already a WINNER or Can't a Democrat do anything that would please anyone?

Anonymous said...

only 1/4- now that is not what is expected.. I don't think the democrats thought that George Bush did anything right the last 8 years either so I guess we are even

schneids said...

A Democrat could lose and that would please me. :) Seriously, though, I'll take 2 Supreme Court Justices and no terror attacks on our soil since 9/11 and add on to that tax cuts as good things in the last 8 years.

The Iraq War was a false choice - no matter who would have won, they will begin withdrawing troops because things have improved vastly in the last year since the troop surge (thanks in big part to McCain).

The whole point of my message was that we shouldn't hate obama just because he is a democrat. But that doesn't mean we have to give in to everything he demands. I'm reserving my judgement until he has a chance to prove or disprove himself. And, from the looks of things at the start with his Chief of Staff pick, he has already started walking down one of those paths. And, Barry isn't just a democrat, he's a Chicago democrat.

And can anyone admit that George Bush wasn't in this election?? McCain was a thorn in Bush's side the last 8 years, so saying they are the same person is patently ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Just what was so GREAT and went so GOOD the last 8 years????..
I'll give you a ban on partial birth abortions, no terror attacks on our soil since 9/11, tax cuts for everyone (not just the rich), and that is just for starters.

Just remember that the democrats have had both houses for the last 2 years and their approval rating is worse than Bush's. And now we have a President that likes to vote present instead of making a decision one way or the other.

Not only that but we have the far left loons like NAACP and that have already taken out ads and reminded B. Hussein Obama that he is indebted to them for all the money they gave him. Not counting that black women on youtube who stated that Obama is going to pay for all her gas and mortgage.

So the next 4 years should be really interesting. All I know is that I would rather not work to put food on your table.

Anonymous said...

sign your name! don't make me take anonymous posting away!! :)

I wouldn't say that i don't want to put food on your table. I would say I don't want to work to put food on your table if you are capable of doing so for yourself. I don't mind helping people. I just don't appreciate the government deciding for me who and where my help will go. That leaves me less to give on my own to places that I would like to help.


Anonymous said...
