Thursday, March 5, 2009

One Trillion Baileys

Today I was reading The Corner blog at National Review and I came across this link demonstrating what $1 Trillion would look like. It was pretty eye opening. I also came across this post where someone took it a step further and gave some more examples trying to help us fathom just how much $1 Trillion is. For example, 1 Trillion $1 bills laid end to end would reach close to the Sun. $1 Trillion in $100 bills laid end to end would go out 4 times farther than the moon!

So, I figured, hey, why not see what we could do with 1 Trillion Baileys? I know, the one we have gives us infinite amounts of fun and laughter and kisses, but lets see what else we can do!

As you can see here, Bailey is roughly 25 inches long. Also, she is about 6 inches wide at her shoulders and 8 inches high when sitting.

So, this means:

  • 1 Trillion Baileys laid end to end would reach 394,570,707 miles. That is more than 2 round trips to the Sun!
  • 1 Trillion Baileys laid on top of each other would reach 94,696,969 miles. That is just a mere 1 million miles farther away than the Sun.
  • If Bailey walked up and down our driveway 1 Trillion times, she would have walked 4,734,848 miles. That's 17 trips around the equator of Jupiter.
  • 1 Bailey takes up about 1400 cubic inches, or .81 cubic feet. Therefore, if you packed 1 Trillion Baileys together into a ginormous box, it would take up 810,000,000,000 cubic feet, or 5.5 cubic miles. An Olympic size swimming pool is 88,000 cubic feet, so 1 Trillion Baileys would be enough to completely fill 9,204,545 Olympic Size pools with enough Baileys left over to halfway fill up the 9,204,546th one!
  • Bailey loves to hog our Queen Size bed. A Queen Size bed is 60 x 80 in, or 4800 square inches. Bailey is 25 x 6 in, or 150 sq inches. That means that 1 Trillion Baileys could completely hog every single square inch of 31.25 Billion Queen Size beds.
  • Finally, Bailey weighs about 12 pounds, meaning 1 Trillion Baileys would weigh, you guessed it, 12 Trillion pounds, or 6 Billion Tons. This is roughly equivalent to 16,326,530 fully loaded Boeing 747-100 aircraft. That's a lot of Baileys!!
Okay, I'm out of ideas now, but maybe this will help us better understand just how much 1 Trillion of something is. And now, I just read how there's a new bill to loan another $500 Billion to the FDIC. I guess it will never end. Get your money for nothin' and your checks for free!


Anonymous said...

I have one...If I wanted to put 1 Trillion Baileys in my many gallons of coffee would that be?

And by the my mother-in-law knows..I don't drink coffee.


Anonymous said...

Well, let's see. 1 Bailey equals 1400 cubic inches, which is about 5 Gallons according to Google converter. That assumption is based on Bailey being a perfect cube, which isn't true, she's a furry animal, so for this conversion, let's say that 1 Bailey is closer to 4 Gallons of liquid volume.

That means that 1 Trillion baileys equals 4 Trillion Gallons. Let's say your average cup of Joe is 20 ounces (Starbuck's Venti). That is .156 Gallons per drink.

So, for you to drink that much Coffee made out of Bailey's (and Bailey's does make coffee more yummy, by the way), you would have to drink 25.64 Trillion glasses.

To put this in perspective, if you drank 100 20oz coffee drinks every SECOND, it would take you 812.5 YEARS to finish that much.

By the way, if you want to play this game at home, Google is an extremely handy converter.

Just go to google and type in whatever you want to convert, like "25.64 trillion milliseconds to years", or "1 gallon to teaspoons". It's really slick.

Jon and Ann said...

I want to know how much money it costs to print all that money.

Anonymous said...

Google does not come with the witty commentary.

Jon and Ann said...

i answered my own question. It costs $.04 to print a bill of money. In this case it costs us $40,000,000 to print $1,000,000,000.

Anonymous said...

If you laid a trillion sleeping Baileys end to end on the gym floor...They would all be very comfortable!!!...(I bet you thot I was going to figure out how many gyms it would take to accommodate a trillion Baileys). (This is the first time I've thot of "a Bailey" as a unit of measure???!!! Uncle Bob

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mister Math Wizard. Are you suurree that 12 trillion pounds equals 6 trillion tons? Does a ton contain 2000 pounds? Maybe you should go back and figure that item out by longhand (the old, long reliable fail safe method for doing math) DAD

Anonymous said...

oops, you're right. 12 trillion pounds is 6 billion tons.

But, since I did the math on the pound-weight and not tonnage, 1 trillion baileys is still 16,326,530 fully loaded 747-100's!

Glanzer77 said...

Alright too much math here for a writer...a month and a half between posts?

You live in Chicago, home of the Cubs! and you have nothing to blog about?

Or don't you use the internet anymore?